
Celebration of Weddings

It is our desire to make your marrige ceremony a meaningful and memorable occassion. Our prayer is that your marriage will be a lasting one in which you will grow together in love. We hope that the following information will be helpful to those who wish to sanctify their union in the eyes of God. 

“We affirm that marriage is a gift from God through which couples make covenants with one another and with God.”

Congratulations on your upcoming marriage!  The people of Collier welcome you as you continue the journey of being a legally recognized couple through Christian Marriage in community and the world.

Book your wedding

You can book your wedding by contacting the Church Office at 1-705-726-1511 or by emailing [email protected].  You will be asked for a deposit of $600 at this time. (Half the deposit is refundable if the wedding is cancelled with 30 days’ notice before the agreed wedding date).  The balance must be paid before the date of the rehearsal. 

Collier Street United Church reserves the right to cancel a booking at our discretion and provide the party with a minimum of two weeks’ notice.

Wedding Cost & Honoraria

All payments should be made in cash or by cheque, payable to Collier Street United Church. We also accept electronic transfers of funds.
  • For any donation above the stated costs/honoraria, a receipt will be provided for Income Tax purposes.
  • For “private” services held away from the Church building, the fees may be adjusted according to the arrangements with the Minister.

Marriage Music

The couple will be able to plan the wedding music with our Music Director at [email protected] or by calling +1-705-726-1511. The Music Director will guide the couple in selecting suitable music for our space. 

Marriage Preparation

We encourage couples to consider a marriage preparation course. These courses generally focus on giving couples knowledge and skills that will help make their marriage the best possible and, as well, help couples take a realistic look at the challenges of commitment while offering some strategies for success.  Collier Street United doesn’t offer these courses but offers pre-marital counselling using the Passion and Freedom resource of the United Church of Canada.

Marriage License

You are required to obtain a marriage license. In the Province of Ontario, you may get a license from any Municipal Office (e.g. City or Town Hall) or at any other marriage license issuer.

The license is good for three months and it is recommended that you obtain a license early.  The license must be in office at least three days before the wedding service.


The Marriage Ceremony

The marriage ceremony is celebrated in the sanctuary or Chapel with the approval of the Worship, Connecting, and Community Team. The minister shall be responsible to perform all weddings. In a case where a conflict in schedules arises, the minister will arrange for a substitute in his/her absence. The Minister is welcome to entertain requests to celebrate the marriage ceremony in a different location.

The church recognizes that you may have a minister that has had a special influence on your life. We are happy to include that person. However, the decision to invite the guest minister must first be cleared by the minister at Collier. The couple is to present the name to the minister in the first session and the minister will be the person to extend the invitation.

The Ministry Personnel plans the order of worship with the couple. While legal requirements must be met, there is an opportunity to reflect your unique love and commitment to one another within the ceremony. Couples may write their vows in dialogue with the Ministry Personnel.

Photographs & Videos

Photographs may be taken during the processional, the signing of the documents, and the recessional. Photographs during the marriage service are not permitted. Flash is distracting during the rest of the service as is the movement of people standing up to take pictures. Videotaping is permitted from a stationary position in the Sanctuary (to be arranged prior to the ceremony).


Church Facilities

The Church sanctuary holds 450 persons and is equipped with an elevator for disabled access. There are three aisles which are 39 feet long.  The centre aisle is 4 feet wide and the two sides are 35 inches wide.  There are pews in the sanctuary.  There is an organ and a grand piano. There is a sound system.   The Chapel holds 20 chairs.  It has a beautiful setting with a lovely piano/organ.  Our building is smoke free!



Collier has attractive pew-end bows that are often used along the nave (centre aisles) of the sanctuary.  We also have two Candelabras.  Collier has no formal flower pedestals for use.  Other decorations are welcomed after conversation with the Minister. 


The mailing address for your invitations is: 

Collier Street United Church, 112 Collier Street, Barrie, Ontario, L4M 1H3.



A rehearsal for all of the wedding party, including parents is necessary for formal weddings. The rehearsal usually takes 45 minutes to 1 hour and is booked with the Minister. 


Confetti & Rice

Confetti and rice are not allowed inside or outside as they pose clean up challenges. Bubbles can be used outside.



Receptions can be held in the Church Hall, Lower Hall and Lounge by contacting the church office.  The office will give you the cost.  We do not provide catering.  The kitchen is not licensed for food preparation and so is available for serving and reheating only. A member of United Church Women would be present to provide support to those using the kitchen.


We hope that your wedding day will be filled with joy and meaning!  We are delighted to be chosen to be a part of your wedding ceremony and look forward to your special day. 

Every blessings!

“We will support couples in deepening their understanding of each other and God.”

– Collier Street United Church

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Celebration of Funeral

“In life, in death, in life beyond death; God is with us…”

(Excerpt – A New Creed of the United Church of Canada.)

 Collier is here to support you and work with you in honoring your loved one and in celebrating the love of God.  We celebrate the lives of members and adherents and others connected to this congregation and community, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or economic status.  Collier is a Christian congregation and elements of the faith will be reflected in the worship service or interment.  We strive to be sensitive to other faith expressions.

The Worship Service

All funeral arrangements should be made through the church office with the ministry personnel.

The ministry personnel of Collier Street should be informed of the death and funeral arrangements of all members.

If the family requests another ministry personnel, as per the United Church of Canada Manual, the resident ministry personnel will receive the request and make a decision as to their participation. The resident ministry personnel should be a part of the worship service in the sanctuary or church hall.

If the designated ministry personnel is not available, then another United Church of Canada ministry personnel will be asked to conduct the service and offer pastoral care.

Our ministry personnel will develop the order of the service or celebration of life in consultation with the family.

A service of worship – either a funeral or memorial service – may be held in the sanctuary or the chapel.

The following supporting services are available:

  • musicians,
  • printed order of service,  
  • Interment


– Collier Street United Church

Funeral Music

The family will discuss with the ministry personnel the music for the service.  After meeting the ministry personnel, the office will contact the Music Director/Organist or designate suitable music for our worship space including the options for special music and solo options. Our music director is at [email protected].

Memorial Gifts

Memorial gifts from family and friends in memory of the deceased may be directed to Collier Street United Church or to the Collier Street United Capital Campaign.  This Fund is managed by the Board of Trustees and the proceeds of the fund are used to support special projects and needs for both the church building and the church’s on-going ministry.  Income tax receipts will be issued to all persons making a donation in excess of $20.00. 

We invite you to remember your loved ones with a leaf from our Remembrance Tree. Each leaf is for $150. We include the name and dates of birth and death.  The office can help with any purchase.  We will issue a tax receipt for a portion of this amount.


Receptions are available by contacting the Church office. The United Church Women will be in charge of the arrangements at a cost of $12.00 per person. This may include sandwiches, pickles, cheese and crackers, veggies and fruit along with sweets, coffee, tea and juice. Actual options will be discussed with the UCW Reception Co-ordinator.

Payments are to be made payable to Collier Street United Church Women. A cheque may be given to the Reception Staff or left at the Church Office and receipts can be emailed to the family.

Funeral Costs & Honoria

Helping you in this stressful time is the primary concern of the congregation, but there are financial aspects that need to be considered also, which may be at least $1200.  For funerals held at Collier Street Church the following costs will apply (the office will provide more information).

All payments should be directed to the church office.  Please make the cheque payable to Collier Street United Church. We also accept electronic transfers of funds.


The ministry personnel are available to you at any time as you journey through the process of grief.  Feel free to contact the church office at 1-705-726-1511 and leave a message (name, number and brief message) on our ministry personnel confidential voice mail.  Your call will be responded to in a timely manner.  You can also send an email to [email protected], and the office is at [email protected] Please be reminded that …

“…You are not alone, thanks be to God.”

(Excerpt – A New Creed of the United Church of Canada – Sic.)