Celebration of Funeral
“In life, in death, in life beyond death; God is with us…”
(Excerpt – A New Creed of the United Church of Canada.)
Collier is here to support you and work with you in honoring your loved one and in celebrating the love of God. We celebrate the lives of members and adherents and others connected to this congregation and community, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or economic status. Collier is a Christian congregation and elements of the faith will be reflected in the worship service or interment. We strive to be sensitive to other faith expressions.
The Worship Service
All funeral arrangements should be made through the church office with the ministry personnel.
The ministry personnel of Collier Street should be informed of the death and funeral arrangements of all members.
If the family requests another ministry personnel, as per the United Church of Canada Manual, the resident ministry personnel will receive the request and make a decision as to their participation. The resident ministry personnel should be a part of the worship service in the sanctuary or church hall.
If the designated ministry personnel is not available, then another United Church of Canada ministry personnel will be asked to conduct the service and offer pastoral care.
Our ministry personnel will develop the order of the service or celebration of life in consultation with the family.
A service of worship – either a funeral or memorial service – may be held in the sanctuary or the chapel.
The following supporting services are available:
- musicians,
- printed order of service,
- Interment
– Collier Street United Church
Funeral Music
The family will discuss with the ministry personnel the music for the service. After meeting the ministry personnel, the office will contact the Music Director/Organist or designate suitable music for our worship space including the options for special music and solo options. Our music director is at [email protected].
Memorial Gifts
Memorial gifts from family and friends in memory of the deceased may be directed to Collier Street United Church or to the Collier Street United Capital Campaign. This Fund is managed by the Board of Trustees and the proceeds of the fund are used to support special projects and needs for both the church building and the church’s on-going ministry. Income tax receipts will be issued to all persons making a donation in excess of $20.00.
We invite you to remember your loved ones with a leaf from our Remembrance Tree. Each leaf is for $150. We include the name and dates of birth and death. The office can help with any purchase. We will issue a tax receipt for a portion of this amount.
Receptions are available by contacting the Church office. The United Church Women will be in charge of the arrangements at a cost of $12.00 per person. This may include sandwiches, pickles, cheese and crackers, veggies and fruit along with sweets, coffee, tea and juice. Actual options will be discussed with the UCW Reception Co-ordinator.
Payments are to be made payable to Collier Street United Church Women. A cheque may be given to the Reception Staff or left at the Church Office and receipts can be emailed to the family.
Funeral Costs & Honoria
Helping you in this stressful time is the primary concern of the congregation, but there are financial aspects that need to be considered also, which may be at least $1200. For funerals held at Collier Street Church the following costs will apply (the office will provide more information).
All payments should be directed to the church office. Please make the cheque payable to Collier Street United Church. We also accept electronic transfers of funds.
The ministry personnel are available to you at any time as you journey through the process of grief. Feel free to contact the church office at 1-705-726-1511 and leave a message (name, number and brief message) on our ministry personnel confidential voice mail. Your call will be responded to in a timely manner. You can also send an email to [email protected], and the office is at [email protected]. Please be reminded that …
“…You are not alone, thanks be to God.”
(Excerpt – A New Creed of the United Church of Canada – Sic.)